Large E-Beam Gun Series offers Increased Capacities for Extended Deposition Operation Cycles
LIVERMORE, CA, — April 30, 2019 — Ferrotec (USA) Corporation, the US subsidiary of Ferrotec Holdings Corp., a global supplier of materials, components, and precision system solutions and the leading manufacturer of electron beam evaporative coating systems, today announced the XL-series of large electron beam sources, increased capacity e-beam guns for deposition processes that require extended operation cycles. For long coating process runs or thick evaporative coatings, XL-series e-beam guns enable users run the system longer without interruption.
Electron beam evaporation is a physical vapor deposition (PVD) process where materials like metals and oxides are vaporized using a high-energy beam, and the corresponding precipitate is used to coat objects inside a vacuum chamber. The electron beam source, or e-beam gun, is where this reaction takes place. The electron beam starts with high voltage from an emitter and is then controlled and directed using magnets into a crucible “pocket” containing the target material to be evaporated. Ferrotec’s XL-series of e-beam guns combines the classic Temescal PopTop and SuperSource e-beam gun designs with significantly increased pocket capacities, enabling longer operational periods during each process cycle.
“From the earliest days when we pioneered the e-beam gun, our customers have recognized Temescal electron beam sources as the gold standard for evaporation processes. With the XL-series of extra-large capacity e-beam sources, it’s like we’ve added a giant gas tank to your favorite car, massively increasing the range you can go on each trip without taking the time to refill the tank,” said Imran Amirani, director of sales for Ferrotec’s Temescal division. “For our customers with large capacity production runs and those doing thicker coatings, the XL-series e-beam guns will be a welcome option.”
The XL-series of large electron beam sources extends Ferrotec’s existing line of Temescal e-beam guns, with XL options available for both the PopTop and SuperSource e-beam lines. For the PopTop e-beam gun line, the new 4PT and 5PT model enable pocket capacities up to 100cc or options for as many as 14 pockets. The SuperSource line-up adds 4CK and 5CK models with similar capacity options to the PopTop models.
More information about the XL-series of large e-beam guns, Temescal PopTop or SuperSource e-beam guns and other electron beam vacuum coating products from Ferrotec can be found at